curve message sent using invalid number

If someone blocked my number from text.

Sprint Community: 9230 : Message sent.
1) The term channel in communication means 2) This preparation process involves looking at the characteristics of the receivers of the sender’s message.
I´m trying to send a text message from my iphone 4s and it doesn´t go through. it says: not delivered. has this person blocked me? If i can`t get a deleivery report
I've run into this problem on my Samsung Epic. The issue only occurs with one contact/number, which ironically is another sprint phone on my account (another Epic).
curve message sent using invalid number
Strange Sent message code 2114.Smartphones > Palm Phones I am trying to send messages to people from my centro and I will get this message im also getting this error on my LG Rumor jsut got
Blackberry curve how to send text message to all contacts. Is there a way to send a group text message to more then 10 contacts on my blackberry?
Error messages: BlackBerry Device.
BCOM 275 Sample Final Exam - The Student. Related information. Reload the BlackBerry Device Software using the BlackBerry Desktop Software
Human Intelligence: The Bell Curve.
curve message sent using invalid number
If someone blocked my number from text. .